The content of the training program “Be Visible to Employers” is 90% practical and 10% theoretical.
- Identifying psychological profile
- Personal development plan
- Identifying values
- Identifying abilities
- Identifying competencies
- Personalized SWOT analysis as a self-assessment tool
- Personalizing resume, LinkedIn profile and cover letter
- Personalized Johari window as a self-assessment tool
- Interview simulation
- Stress management in interview
- “The Coaching Game” from Points of You®
- Tips & tricks from our experience
Why Points of You®? Because relationships matter in life, and relationships mean communication. To recall the words of the famous psychoanalyst Francoise Dolto – Tout est langage. Nothing truer. Imagine someone you barely know and want to get them to talk about themselves. You think you have exhausted all possibilities, but you remind yourself that you have a Points of You® tool you are using, and the one in front of you opens up. You learn a lot about him, but he also learns about himself. That’s why Points of You® tools are unique. It facilitates communication with others, but also with yourself. It helps you discover yourself in a unique way and explore relationships through communication.